Monday, September 9, 2013

Rip the bandaid off

So its finally going to end. All the drama and any bit of sadness that was residual of my long, lovely, failed relationship, is going to end, today. We're meeting for the last time and going to get it over with. Cut off the last straw holding us together.

Im trying to understand what I'm feeling... But I can't. Scared, maybe, that I'll miss him more than I'd like? Or upset that I can't talk to him? Or nothing because I actually have moved on?

I don't think knowing what I'm going to feel will make it any better/easier to deal with. Maybe I should just stop thinking and rip the bandaid off quickly. It'll hurt for a few seconds, but then the pain will disappear. I hope these few seconds don't last too long. Part of me is sick of being upset and wondering, now what?

Is it better to know that its the last time, or is it better to have finished the last time and then realize it was your last time? Forget it, lets rip this off quickly.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Moving On

So there's a difference now, from before. Im certain of it. The wanting, the need to see him and talk to him is going. Its still there, but I guess it will always be, a little bit.

The last time we met it was after a gap of two months. Two months of not seeing his beautiful face was one of the hardest things Ive ever had to do. But then we met, and it was so normal. While we got back into relationship mode for a while, the entire time it was different in my head. Every time I looked at him I didn't feel any pain or sorrow that he wasn't going to be mine forever. When we were were together I didn't fear that it would come to an end and I would be shattered. I guess that's what moving on is, right?

He's been with someone else already. When I heard, I decided to adopt the Buddhist philosophy and observe what I felt instead of actually feeling it. I decided I had a choice: I could get really upset and angry that something like this has happened, feel really betrayed and disillusioned...and eventually have to be okay with it, because it was done already. OR I could accept that he isn't mine anymore and that he didn't belong to me! I chose the second, and surprisingly found that life was much better like that. I didn't feel any heaviness at the back of my mind relating to something that usually would have broken me. I was happy and proud of myself.

Although the day after the meeting was terrible and whiney and just a nightmare in general, I found that getting back to being "okay" was easier this time round. I was okay in 2 days, and somewhere in between the week I actually woke up not craving him, or to be with him or talk to him at all. I thought "Yay! Its over!"... Well, it wasn't, but that was a huge step forward!

I guess the missing will always remain due to the fondness. There were so many things about him that I was in love with that I chose to ignore the things that weren't compatible. I find that reminding myself of the times when I was with him and questioned our compatibility reminds me that I'm putting the relationship on a pedestal because I dont have it anymore. But I cannot deny that it was beautiful. The state of being in love is by far the most intoxicating drug in the world. It takes over your life and fills it with pure happiness, so much so that you don't even realize that your life isn't what it used to be anymore. Sometimes this is for better and sometimes for worse. For us, while I'm tempted to say it was both, it was actually only for worse. Our lives revolved around one another, and even when we met recently, it was a stark reminder of how we were perfectly comfortable telling everyone and everything in our lives to go to hell, and just live off of each other. It was toxic, but in the best way. Its like a drug. You love it, you know its bad for you but you dont really want to accept it. And while you're doing it, its bliss. Thats how we are. How we were.

Maturity is realizing when its time to move to a new thing, or let go of something in the past.

I will always miss the intoxicating feeling that I felt while I was in love. But I will also remember that it was a phase, and now... its time to move on. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Understanding death

Our entire life culminates at death. It comes to death, and stops, or finishes. We don't really know what happens to us after death, even though there are countless theories - some in the form of religion, some spiritual and others simple philosophy. When we think about how much we know - or rather how little we know - it dawns that each one of us individually don't form even a speck in the history of time. 

We know that one day we're going to die from the second we can grasp the concept of life. Immortality is a concept that exists only within the limits of the word itself. So, we know that life is limited, we know that we're going to die, and we know that this in inevitable and will happen to each and every person we know, without fail. And yet we manage to get so upset about death, and live in the shadows of the fear of what we know is going to happen. 

One way of looking at it is that, its only natural. Losing a person who you once loved, cherished and shared so many beautiful memories with is painful. We are individuals with emotion, we're bound to feel pain. But we're also individuals with the power of reason. That's essentially the only thing that humans can boast of possessing over all other living beings. Then how does the pain of experiencing something that you know is inevitable cause emotions to overshadow our reasoning powers to the extent where no explanation is good enough to overcome the agony?

If you think about it practically, no one else can really cause you any pain or happiness. It's your understanding and response to another's actions or words that has the ability to cause pain or happiness. Consider this: A younger brother tells both his older sisters (separately) that they are fat. One takes offence and locks herself in her room and cries, while the other takes no heed and moves on. The comment was the same, but the reactions depended on the other person. The same way, a boy could tell 2 different girls that she looked like an angel; while one would be flattered and blushing, the other might think of it as cheesy and decide to stay away. It all eventually boils down to the filters we use when we perceive the world. Each person has a different lens on their eyes depending on every single experience or idea they have had (which, in the larger scheme of things, amounts to nothing). Yet, experiencing death of a loved one manages to put almost all humans in the same boat. A boat filled with worry, denial, confusion, wonder, anger, pain and most importantly, fear. 

Some feel the fear of realizing that their time too is limited. Although this sounds simple, it has the ability to really shake up your reality. While as a concept, death is grasped by us mentally at a young age, the first encounter in reality with the same makes us view the world with a new lens of impermanence and, in some cases, disillusionment. 

I started writing this with the idea that, the way I view the world today, I feel death will not have as much as an impact on me as before. Once the acceptance sets in that everyone is going to leave one day, no matter how good, bad, rich, smart, dumb, kind, bitchy, ugly or pretty they are, you start to realize that its time to look at the bigger picture. The motivation to actually serve a purpose in this lifetime arises. The life I live probably wont be spoken about 18000 years later. No one then will remember my name or who I was, or even know of my existence. But what I can do is something that I feel is worthwhile. Its not about what other people think or say or expect. Its about feeling a personal sense of achievement when the day comes to go. Knowing that this world may not remember you, but you made the most of it anyway. Because at the end of the day, everyone goes... I want to go happy. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Concept of Letting Go

This is taken from daily emails that I receive - Positive Reflections by Brahmakumaris. They're wonderful insights into life.

The Concept of Letting Go
We have to dare to be free. Why? Because fear prevents us from taking the decisions that lead us to live and feel our full freedom. We should dare to let go because dependencies trap us. Let us look at a story that shows us what happens.

It is the story of a bird that, after having flown for a long time, leans on the branch of a tree to rest. While resting, it finds the wellbeing of staying there until, little by little, it gets the idea that its life is on the branch. When a day arrives on which it asks itself why it doesn't carry on flying, it says "Oh, this branch is stuck to me and I can't fly!" The bird blames the branch. In reality, the bird has got stuck to the branch. It has the capacity and the wings to fly but its perception is clouded. It no longer sees its purpose with clarity or its potential to reach it. The freedom of the bird is in its wings but it has got stuck onto the branch. That is the reality that it has created for itself.

The freedom of a human being is in his or her awareness. But when their awareness has got stuck onto the branch (the object of their attachment) and they begin to blame the branch for their impossibility to free themselves, then they are trapped. When our awareness is clouded and we are clinging on, we do not see with clarity and neither do we exercise our freedom and let go.

Another example of how dependencies trap us, is that of the monkey; you can trap a monkey by giving it a jar with peanuts in it. The monkey puts its hand in the jar to get the peanuts. On having its hand full of peanuts it can't get it out of the jar, so it has got trapped. To free itself the only thing it has to do is let go of the peanuts and that way it will be able to take its hand out. That is how we are at times; we don't let go and we stay trapped in situations, in people, in the past.

Along the way, we will find a lot of jars with peanuts in and branches to settle down on - many scenes that will attract us and please us. The dependency begins, almost without our realizing, when we begin to feel the desire to be in these situations. The pleasure turns into desire, the desire turns into need and the need turns into habit, then to dependence and finally into an addiction. It is fine to enjoy the branches, but let us keep awake and alert - conscious of our freedom - in order not to fall into dependence; enjoying the branch or jar without it trapping us.

An example of how the pleasure turns into desire, the desire into need, the need into habit, habit into dependence and finally the dependence into an addiction - process (explained yesterday) takes place can be seen in some smokers. The smoker, little by little, liked smoking, then desired to smoke, then needed to smoke; he/she created the habit of smoking, it turned into a dependence and finally into an addiction. It began because he liked it but it ended up generating that addiction.

We live disconnected from ourselves, with a lot of unnecessary dependencies and needs. When you think that you need to smoke, you believe something that is not true. What does it mean that you need to smoke? Negative effects of smoking on the body are well known; we already breathe in enough pollution from cars and we do not need to breath in more unnecessary smoke. However, the person who smokes believes that it is a need and, while they believe it, they don't realize, or if they do realize, they don't want to accept that it is an unnecessary dependence.

This process can happen in many other cases: emotional, mental and physical dependencies and addictions towards people, objects and ideas. When we are hooked we lose emotional, mental and intellectual control over our inner selves and in our awareness. The solution is in knowing how to let go.

If only letting go were that simple. But if we don't try, we'll never know, right?

Sunday, May 19, 2013


I feel like I've been hit by a rock. Like I have been blind and utterly stupid and suddenly one person has  said things that have made me see what I have been ignoring, minimalizing in my head. To be fair, I really didn't know any other way of coping with this. After my fairytale romance ended I did everything in my power to rationalize it, to think "This would never have worked, what was I thinking?" Talking to anybody who would listen to a love story about me and an anonymous perfect man who had strong religious values that kept us from being together. I felt like an advice junkie. I felt like somewhere amidst all that advice I would find the answers to all my questions. That something someone would say would go "TING!!!!" in my head and make me okay with everything that is going on.

If only that worked. If only it had helped. All it did was take me further and further away from the truth. How could ANYONE who didn't know us even try and make a comment about us? US! I can go on for hours about us, but that wont help anything. You had to know us, see us together, talking, laughing, loving, to even begin to understand what we were. Or... what we are?

And then suddenly today morning I got struck by lightning. I heard his side of things, in detail like never before. He opened of every part of his heart and displayed it in an email. And now its all so clear. I was being a selfish, self-centered snob who wouldn't look away from her own pain, because I had been adviced that now I must look out for myself; that he had left me, and I had to take care of myself and cut him out.

Oh, the bullshit advice.

That is what has changed. The above mentioned person who is selfish and self-centered is not me. It never has been. I was trying to be someone I am not in the hope that it would help me move on from this. But all it has done is make me pathetic and bitter and angry and hopeless... Not to mention incredibly stupid. How did I ever think I could turn my head away from the man I loved so much, that even despite my commitment phobia, I wanted to marry? All I have been thinking about is that.
"He left me."
"He is confused about me. I deserve better."
"Its over, forget about it."
"Don't beat yourself up over someone who wouldn't even fight for you."

And in this dirty thought process I conveniently forgot all about the basis of my major: empathy. I forgot to ask myself, "what must he be going through? Why is he doing this?"

But now I know. I know and I respect it more than anything. You professing your love for me was the most beautiful thing I have ever read, and telling me about your confusion, the most painful.

Wishful thinking: Lets rewind, go back to when we broke up, and I will be different, less blind. I will care, caress and understand.

How could I have asked you to go against your mother, father, relatives, cousins, everyone who has known you in a certain way for 24 years? Our parents raise us with so many hopes and expectations of what our life will be like. And while some prefer to let us take our destiny into our own hands, others like to be in control of our destiny, to make sure that we don't screw up, and ensure that we will be happy, one way or another. I asked you to go against all of that. I asked for too much.

But that's the problem. It will always be too much I'm asking for. And it will always be too much you're asking from me. I never see a day coming where talking to your parents will be easy. Or where me making sacrifices will be do-able. Unfortunately the world where we live doesn't change. It stays the same, year after year, decade after decade. For me, I was most upset that you didn't believe in us enough to fight for us. But when I see what is at stake for you, I feel guilty for ever even asking you to give it up.

So, I can't blame me. I can't blame him. I cant blame anyone's family. Where does that leave me? After any kind of pain, an individual needs someone to criticize, to yell at, to let their frustration out. Who do I criticize? Who do I yell at? When I think of yelling at God, I think, but He has a plan for me... This must be part of it.

That leaves me just hurting and brooding like a sob story, yet again. Having no one to turn to and blame. But... Maybe that is what this experience is meant to teach me? That we won't always have people to blame in life. Sometimes, we have to just accept things as they are, and believe, with equanimity, that it will pass. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Dreams and Insecurities

I've been wanting to post for a while now, recreating my Argentinian exchange experience. But somehow, even though I find multiple interesting cultural differences daily, I couldn't get myself to write about anything, until now.

This really has nothing to do with Argentina. Or... maybe it does. Its possible that Im writing this to find out myself. 

Last night while I was dreaming I could feel myself crying inside of my dream. It was an emotion I have felt before in my waking state but at a highly premature level. Insecurities stemming from parental discord. The feeling that they think I'm not good enough, that they will support anyone or anything that is placed against me, that they just don't GET IT. But in this dream... In this dream it was these emotions heightened to feel suicidal tendencies. All I remember was in our new house, there was a party and I was trying my hardest to avoid making eye contact with my parents. I tried to stay as far away from them as possible. And when they would manage to get near I would feel a whirlwind of negative emotions stirring up inside of me, making me grit my teeth and abuse them.

But no, that wasn't enough to make me write this. Having had disturbed sleep, I decided to take a short siesta. It was like last night all over again, only this time more vivid. The corridors looked like my school, and inside one of the rooms was a meeting going on with my father, his colleagues, me and an old driver that I profusely dislike, who was sitting on a chair next to me. I remember him saying he needed to tell my father something, and I remember forgetting about that. After I was done saying what I had to, I asked the driver to move his hand and get up up from where he was sitting because he was bothering me. Why did his hand resting on the side of my chair bother me so much? I don't know, but I flipped it and told him to leave. He then got aggressive and said but why should I leave, I haven't told saahab my problem yet! He wanted Rs. 15 to buy his daughter a gift. Rs. 15? Who today needs Rs. 15 for anything? What do you even get in that much? Again, I don't know, but that was bad enough to make me feel guilty and apologize to him. And then it started. My father's rant. That I don't care about anyone. I had finished voicing my problems, but that gave me no right to shut him up. And then the all famous punch line: How would I ever be a psychologist when I get so worked up about small things? 

That is it. That's what it was about. None of these incidents mentioned above have actually occurred besides him saying that last line to me. It must have really affected me if I made up a dream around it, proving him right. 

I remember telling him that I had apologized, and his friends/colleagues backing me up. Then I remember storming out of that room and him following me, only to hear me tell him to "Fuck Off". And then I ran for my life. I don't tell my father to fuck off without bad, bad consequences. Not in reality, and apparently not in my dreams either. I ran down the corridor and down the school steps. And then I stopped. And I decided I wanted to hurt myself. Was it for attention? Was it to punish myself? I don't know, but I started rolling down the stairs. And I felt pain. Real, physical pain on my arms and legs and back and head. And then a little girl who was walking down the steps saw me and decided she wanted to roll as well. So she leapt on to my back and got hurt with me for a while. Until a teacher I had never seen before stopped us, smiling, and said it was time to read. 

Cut to me in my bathroom. I was smoking. And then I open the window and step out on to this huge balcony, one that I have seen many times before in my dreams, but doesn't really exist at all. I don't quite remember what I was thinking when I saw one of my maids walk in from another entrance of the balcony (my grandmom's bathroom window). She walks towards me and I quickly hide the smoke. Enter maid number 2, wearing my diamond earrings that I took off last night (in reality) and put into my accessory bag. While Maid 1 was questioning me cheekily on what I was doing, I called Maid 2 closer. This is a maid who, in reality, I absolutely adore as she is only 17. So I call her close and I hold her cheek with one hand, and when I have gripped it tightly, I slap her. She tries to move away, but she is not scared. She and Maid 1 are laughing. I am furious. I run to some room that I have not seen before, yet it looks familiar. My mom and grandmom are chatting as usual. I tell them about this incident, expecting outrage from them too. But what do I get? My mom telling me to take it easy, and that it was not a big deal. WHAT?! Not a big deal?! I almost had a spaz attack. I called her names and asked her to wait till Maid 2 wore her diamond earrings.

I don't think I could handle anymore, so I woke up and burst out crying. 

I'm really far away from home and the last few conversations my mom had with me were to do with how she and my dad didn't want to send me abroad because they were wondering "if I was really worth it?" I had wasted enough money, I didn't seem to be interested in studies, what was the point in spending crores more, blah blah blah. My father is so goddamn rich that if he and my entire family were no more, my sister and I would be able to support ourselves and another generation extremely comfortably without a single day of work. And he is saying he doesn't want to pay for my education? That's funny, right? Makes me feel like I'm worth so little. Even my parents don't have faith in me. I sound like a sob story. A self-fucking-pitying sob story. But you know what, maybe I am one.

My boyfriend of 1.5 years, who I was willing to change my entire being of existence for and marry, was "confused" about me, and left. My parents who raised me to be the person I am today, the person who I was going to change for my boyfriend, don't have faith in me, not even enough to send me to study a subject I am certain of. I mean really, can I please have my moment of self-pity before I slap myself and realize that it's all my doing? Thanks.

Okay. I'm done. I should never have been willing to change myself for someone else. I should not allow anyone else to define who I am or what I am worth.... BLAH BLAH BLAH. Unfortunately the two biggest parts of my life doubted me at the same time and made me doubt myself. 

No more self-pity. No more stress. No more allowing other people to define me. I AM ME. And I will be who I want to be, and if anyone has a problem with that they can go Fuck Off. 

The only problem is... Who Am I, again?

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Love is not enough.

I just messaged him. Oh why why why did I do that? Its so STUPID. I am the one who decided that we would not speak for 2 months. I was the one who chose this. He broke up, I decided I needed time to get over him. THEN WHY DID I JUST INBOX HIM?

How can there be a rationale for these things? I keep crying in the bathroom at work, wondering what the hell I'm crying about! We've decided to be friends 2 months later. Maybe that's just it. Friends. How do 2 passionate lovers let go of their feelings and have a platonic friendship? Maybe that is what is killing me inside. That I can't hold his hand, hug him, kiss him and love him whenever I feel like. We'll have boundaries. Its like the marriage issue. Going from a free, open-minded household to a closed-minded one is just too hard. The same way, going from having no limits in the relationship for loving and being loved, to having boundaries defining what we can and cannot say around each other. HOW CAN THAT NOT MAKE ME CRY?!

Im such a whiner. I hate it. I hate being so vulnerable, so sensitive. One wrong thing anyone says to me today and it could be the start of a flood originating from my eyes. I want to go home and bawl my eyes out. I want to weep loudly and scream and yell and let a little of the pain out. I feel like my heart has been hit with a hammer, and it has been dented and bruised and broken.

They say time is the best healer. What about the pain BEFORE time swoops in and makes everything hunky-dory again? What about me till then? Im supposed to sit and wait for time to make my heart stop acutely aching and my tears unlimitedly flowing? I cannot rationalize this. I cannot find the correct means to rationalize this.

I can tell myself how Im better off without him, that I was restricted in many ways. But then again, I cannot. Saying anything about how Im better off without him seems like insulting him, insulting our relationship. How can anyone be better off without love like that? Love that is all-consuming and immersing. I want to be in love like that forever. I want to love him forever. I want to be loved by him forever.

"Love is not enough." This is what he said. Why is it that if he says it then I will mull over it, but if I have thought it then I will keep doubting it? I guess thats what he's doing too. He made the decision and he rethinks it, over and over again. How can you make a decision like that and live with it without any doubt? Its not possible.

So then I guess, I will doubt, I will cry, I will be angry, I will be sad, I will question, wonder and criticize. And eventually, in about a year, I will accept. I will see clearly. I will know. Why it happened, the reasons and the consequences. I hope I never regret accepting his decision instead of fighting. But how can a relationship work like that? When one person says yes and the other says no? It cannot. Thats why I let go. I gave him what he wanted.

"If you love someone, set them free. If they come back to you, they are yours. If they dont, they never were." He may think of me as the bird he is setting free. But I am setting him free too. We are both letting go of each other to see where life will take us sans each other. And if life doesn't bring us back together (IF JUST THE THOUGHT OF IT IS SO HARD, how will I live the reality?).... It doesn't mean he wasn't mine and I wasn't his. It just means that the world didn't allow us to be each other's forever.

I want you to know, my love, that if I don't come back, do not mistake it with thinking that I was never yours. I was, and there will always be a part of me, even after years, that will always belong to you, and that will always love you.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Religion v/s Philosophy v/s Love

Wow, it really has been forever. I actually thought I may never come back on to this site and write... Maybe come back and read what I was mulling over 2 years ago. But here I am, down in the dumps, finding myself typing on this site this as a potential way to feel better and be able to smile without it taking all of my effort and energy left.

Another year, another break up. Sounds so boring. So depressing. So OVERDONE. People break up everyday... just get over it, right? Wrong. Every single breakup is the end of some sort of a relationship. If the relationship was abusive and detrimental to either person's health, then good riddance. But what if it exceeded the expectations of your idea of a fairytale relationship? It was so good, that you are willing to do change you'd never have expected yourself to change. Things like yourself.

We are all brought up with a certain set of ideas, belief systems and values. Moving beyond the nature v nurture debate, and simplifying the core of our being entirely, we can say that it is these values that ultimately define who we are. Whether they come from our genes or our environment, it makes you You, and me Me. You might believe that the whole world is created by God, humans came from Adam and Eve, evolution is bullshit, and your religion is the only one that sends people to heaven. And I might not care about religion, believe strongly in evolution, respect other religions simply because there are other people out there who follow it with such fervor, and that deserves respect. That would mean, but very plainly, that we are opposites right? Believe it or not, two people believing in the exact same belief systems as mentioned above, fell madly in love, and lost themselves in a world of their own. But, how is that even possible? How do two so drastically different individuals manage to find a place in their heart to love another that disbelieves everything you've grown up with?

It all began because the love stemmed from an appreciation of the outer human being, their qualities and  their demeanor. When they first met, they didn't realize how different they were. And after a month of togetherness, the differences ceased to make an impact on them. Anything that came their way, they were willing to deal with. Because they meant too much to each other. How would they find anyone else to be like this with? To love this much?

The problem is, with the core being different, the outer qualities cease to matter. See, the two are so confusable. Our core values define what kind of people we become, if we are kind, caring, chivalrous, loving, romantic, etc. But two people who possess all the same qualities could have acquired them through completely different belief systems. You could be kind and charitable because it is a product of your religious upbringing, and I could be the same because it is a product of my having learnt to question the reason for being cruel and immoral. You and I have, in this case,  come from different schools of thought. You come from a religious background, and I come from a philosophical background. I could try and consider your viewpoint, but the base of your beliefs is blind acceptance. It is what you have been taught since before you were born. And the very basis of my existence is questioning and reasoning, I do not know what it is like to accept without question.

It all boils down to the same thing. Religion managed to come in the way of two perfectly happy people having the best time of their lives together. Philosophy did too. Why can't just love be enough?